1971 - SMiRT 1 - Berlin, Germany

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://www.lib.ncsu.edu/resolver/1840.20/22932

The First International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology occurred September 20-24, 1971 in Berlin Germany. This introduced the very first international conference, focusing on the structural mechanics within reactors. On a biennial basis engineers of multiple fields would reconvene to conduct similar conferences with the sole focus of improving the safety and practicality of nuclear reactors throughout the world. There are twelve divisions of topics that this conference has been divided into, each of which were divided into further subdivisions that are clearly labeled based upon their subject matter. May the material within this conference provide a lasting positive effect for centuries on end.

Presented by
International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (IASMiRT)

Organized by
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung (BAM), Berlin

in cooperation with
  • The Franklin Institute Research Laboratories (FIRL)
  • Institut für Kerntechnik (IKT)
  • Institute of Fundamental Technical Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (IPPT)
  • Institut für Stakik und Dynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrtkonstruktionen, Universität Stuttgart (ISD)
  • Nuklear-Ingenieur Service GmbH (NIS)
  • Nuclear Utilities Service Corporation (NUS)
  • Ingenieurunternehmen für spezielle Statik, Dynamik und Konstruktion GmbH (SDK)
