2017 - SMiRT 24 - Busan, Republic of Korea
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://www.lib.ncsu.edu/resolver/1840.20/35804
The 24th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology was held 20-25 August 2017 in Busan, Republic of Korea at the BEXCO, the Busan Exhibition and Convention Center.
Recent Submissions
- D&D technology for activated and contaminated components in primary circuit developed by doosan for the preparation of Kori unit 1 decommisssioning(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Gyu Ho Jang; Kwang Soo Park; Hae Woong Kim; Jin Gwi Byeon; Hee Dong Sohn
- Detection characteristics analysis of contaminated water by gross beta measurement at D&D site(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Ukjae Lee; Jun Soo Bae; Hee Reyoung Kim
- Structural analysis of SMART RPV lower head under ERVC conditions during a severe accident(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Sang Mo An; Rae-Joon Park
- Design concept and preliminary analysis of containment pressure and radioacticity suppression system for SMART(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) K. J. Kang; S. S. Jeon; J. H. Chun; S. J. Hong; H. O. Kang
- Mechanical design of a sodium cooled fast reactor fuel assembly in korea(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) H. K. Kim; K. H. Yoon; Y. H. Lee; H. S. Lee; J. S. Cheon
- Concept and implementation of tsunami countermeasures at hamaoka NPS(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) M. Wani; Y. Sato
- Optimized design of the reactor protection system for SMART(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Seo-Ryong Koo; Seop Hur; Chang Hwoi Kim
- Fast nonlinear seismic ssi analysis of low-rise concrete shearwall buildings for design-level (DBE) and beyond design level (BDBE)(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Dan M. Ghiocel; YoungSun Jang
- Are smaller cores safer? energy balance calculation for integral-type PWR(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Dougals A. Fynan; Jin Hee Park
- Thermal-hydraulic validation tests and their analyses on passive safety injection system for SMART(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) J. H. Yang; B. G. Jeon; H. Bae; S. U. Ryu; E. Yun; J. M. Kim; J. Y. Kang; H. S. Park
- Conceptual design of the intelligent and compact control room for SMART(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Sa-Kil Kim; Chang-Hwoi Kim
- Introduction of passive residual heat removal system for SMART(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Joo Hyung Moon; Young In Kim
- Accurate linear and nonlinear seismic ssi analysis based on ANSYS FE modeling extending SASSI methodology(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Dan M. Ghiocel; Mike Saremi
- Seismic soil-structure interaction analysis of deeply embedded smrs and associated challenges,(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) S. Park; S. Samaddar
- Simulation of seismic isolation using ABAQUS software(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Carsten Block; Markus Jeßberger; Fritz-Otto Henkel
- SPH simulation model for large deformation of ground surface caused by nearby fault(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Y. Ono; H. Nakase; T. Iwamoto
- A new approach in a seismic base isolation and dynamic control of structures and SIS natural scale testing(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Victor Kostarev; Peter Vasilyev; Peter Nawrotzki
- Non-linear seismic analysis of base-isolated prototype generation-IV sodium-cooled fast reactor(IASMiRT, 2017-08-20) Choon-Gyo Seo; Young-Suk Lee