Development of Interfacial Adhesion during Thermal Bonding of Nonwovens

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In this work we have tried to relate the thermal bond strengths with the concepts of chain dynamics via interfacial adhesion development at symmetric polymer interfaces. To relate structural bond strengths with polymer chain dynamics we need a molecular connectivity relation. This requires relation of the microscopic dynamics of chains with macroscopic interfacial adhesion measurements. Previous literature does indicate that the nonwoven fabric strength reaches a maximum for a particular value of any of the following variables: temperature, contact time, pressure and quench rate, while the others are kept constant. The rationale for such a behavior has been supported in qualitative terms where a fundamental understanding of the polymer physics is lacking. The properties of reptation and diffusion of polymer chains to form effective entanglements and boost interfacial adhesion has been reviewed. The present work provides a useful compendium of valuable inter-relations between the effects of calendar speed and calendar temperature on interfacial bond strengths. The varying molecular weights of the polymer have been found to affect the thermal bonding process in previous studies. Our results for the effect of varying molecular weight on bond strengths have been found to be an extension to Wool's work beyond a critical molecular weight. Interesting trends for the effect of molecular weight on interfacial adhesion have been presented.



adhesion, nonwovens, thermal, bonding





Textile Technology Management
