The Development and Evaluation of an Academic Support Skills Curriculum for Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


A paucity of research exists evaluating how to teach adolescents with ADHD skills to enhance their academic functioning in the classroom. Only one study exists that evaluates a homework intervention for students with ADHD and their families (Habboushe et al., 2001). No published studies evaluate other critical components of academic success (e.g., organizational skills and self-awareness/advocacy) for adolescents with ADHD. To address this need, educators and clinicians from the ADHD Program of the Duke Child and Family Study Center developed an academic summer treatment program for adolescents with ADHD. The program curriculum, Skills for Academic Success, provided students direct instruction in the following skill areas: self awareness/advocacy, homework, and organizational skills. This study evaluated whether or not participation in the Skills for Academic Success Curriculum improved self-awareness/advocacy, homework, and organizational skills of participating students. Additionally, behavioral functioning was assessed to determine if improvements occurred at home and school as a result of student participation in the Skills for Academic Success Curriculum. Data from year two (2003) of the academic summer treatment program were collected to evaluate the effectiveness of the Skills for Academic Success Curriculum. Group and case study participant data were evaluated using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of this study revealed positive changes in some areas of behavioral functioning, as reported by both parents and teachers. However, only one area was statistically significant (Oppositional factor). Student and teacher post-test reports indicated that students were using some of the homework and organizational strategies learned in the Skills for Academic Success Curriculum. In addition, students reported more self-awareness/advocacy skills after participating in the Skills for Academic Success Curriculum. Implications of these findings as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.



ADHD, adolescents, academic support skills





Curriculum and Instruction
