What is Your Bench Strength? An Exploration of Succession Planning in Three Large School Districts in a Southeastern State


Large school districts face a number of challenges due to their sheer size. One of these challenges involves staffing the role of the principal. With Baby Boomers reaching retirement age, large school districts, especially those experiencing growth, have to fill numerous leadership positions. In order to fill these positions efficiently and effectively, many school districts are beginning to develop and implement succession planning programs to expand their internal pool of leadership candidates. Succession planning strategies have been utilized in the business world for years and the education realm is beginning to realize their value. This study explores three large school districts in a southeastern state and their efforts to implement effective succession planning systems. While all three districts have a variety of strategies in place, none of the districts have a comprehensive, written succession plan and corresponding evaluation. Other similarities across the three districts include administrator certification programs, coaching programs, the predominant use of self-selection into succession planning initiatives, the principal position as the focal point, and the value of utilizing the cohort concept. Some differences across the three districts are the departments and positions responsible for succession planning initiatives, the categorization of some strategies as succession planning, and an additional position as a secondary focal point.



succession planning, leadership development, principals





Educational Administration and Supervision
