The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence of Patrol Sergeants and Subordinate Patrol Officers.


This research project was undertaken to investigate the relationship between the emotional intelligence levels of patrol sergeants and the emotional intelligence levels of their respective subordinate patrol officers. Given the nature of the policing, the potential benefit to law enforcement agencies employing officers with functional or high levels of emotional intelligence was assumed to be a desirable attribute. Contributions to the research literature was considered a worthy endeavor regarding the correlation of patrol sergeants' emotional intelligence as it may be correlated to the emotional intelligence of the sergeants' subordinate officers. This study was assisted by a law enforcement agency in the Southeastern United States to derive the population sample. After failing to acquire participation from a sufficient randomly selected sample from the population, a convenience sample was derived and data were collected from 22 sergeants (96%) and 82 officers (54%). Bar-On's Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) was used to acquire the emotional intelligence scores of the participating sergeants and officers. Data analysis was conducted using the Pearson product-moment correlation to determine if a linear correlation existed between the patrol sergeants' EQ-i scores and the EQ-i scores of their respective subordinate officers. The results of this analysis determined that no statistically significant correlation existed between the independent variables of the Sergeants Total EQ-i and five Composite scores and the dependent variables of the Patrol Officers Total EQ-i and five Composite scores. A t-test was also instituted to analyze the mean score differences between the groupings of patrol sergeants and patrol officers. The results of this test yielded no statistically significant differences between the respective groups. Based upon the statistical results of the study, the null hypothesis was retained. Recommendations were suggested that included 1) the use of an abilities-based EQ-i test instrument for future research, 2) the use of experiments within the ranks of supervisors to determine if enhancement of emotional intelligence will have a quantifiable effect on subordinate personnel, 3) the use of emotional intelligence enhancement training to reduce police burnout and occupational stress, and 4) the use of and participation in emotional intelligence research projects directed toward the policing profession.



emotional intelligence, police, law enforcement, supervision, organizational behavior





Adult and Community College Education
