Cybersupervision of Entry Level Practicum Supervisees: The Effect on Acquisition of Counselor Competence and Confidence


The purpose of this dissertation paper is to propose and implement a research study in Cybersupervision (Watson, 2003). This research experiment is a N=1 case study design, replicated 5 times, to investigate counselor self-efficacy and skill competence in an online/distance learning practicum course. Cybersupervision, or electronically mediated counseling supervision and practice, is of growing interest to the profession. The research in this area is minimal, but does provide positive findings which indicate effective counselor training and supervision practices. This study's purpose is not only to add to the research in this area, but also to show that counselor self-efficacy (CSE) can increase as counselor skill acquisition increases through the use of online counselor supervision (Cybersupervision). This researcher found the participants in this study increased both CSE and skill acquisition in all five experiments, and in 4 of 5 experiments the results were significant and conclusive.



Cybersupervision, Online Counseling, Online Counseling Supervision, Counselor Self-efficay and Skill Competence, Online Learning





Counselor Education
