Implementation of a stormwater pollution prevention plan

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Herring, Carra. Master of Environmental Assessment. Implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan at North Carolina State University and its effects on Water Quality. Stormwater Runoff has become one of the greatest challenges in water pollution control, as this source of contamination is a major contributor to water quality impairment of waterbodies nationwide. Stormwater runoff picks up pollutants as it travels across land and creates negative effects on water quality, aquatic biota, and stream temperature. In an effort to protect water quality, the Division of Water Quality and the federal Clean Water Act implemented the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program in 1972 making it illegal to discharge pollutants into surface waters without a permit. NC State’s Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) are currently working on updating the University’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to maintain compliance with their Stormwater Permit. The Environmental Health and Safety Office Stormwater data from the years 2007-2011 were analyzed and used to create multiple graphs. Findings from the data analysis suggest that there are pollutants found in Stormwater on campus that are both above and below regulatory limits. Certain pollutants were above regulatory limits in the same location from 2007-2011. Total Suspended Solids, Lead, Copper, and Fecal Coliform showed results that were 100% above the regulatory limit. In order to help improve the water quality of Rocky Branch Creek and other waterways on campus, there will need to be a strict enforcement of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans by the EHSO and the Chancellor of the University. By implementing consequences it will help reduce the amount of pollutants that will flow into the waterways on campus and can begin to improve the water quality. In addition, the EHSO will need to spread more public awareness about what stormwater pollution is and how to prevent it in order to keep NC State’s waterways free of pollutants.



stormwater, runoff


