Cyanuric Acid in Commercial Swimming Pools and its Effects on Chlorine's "Staying Power" and Oxidation Reduction Potentails

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Abstract Cyanuric acid levels in commercial swimming pools has been a controversial topic in the swimming pool industry in the past few years. This chemical is known for its stabilizing abilities by protecting chlorine from the ultraviolet rays of the sun which cause photolysis. Cyanuric acid has received recognition for this ability, but has also received blame for over stabilization which reduces the effectiveness of sanitization and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) of chlorine. This loss in effectiveness could possibly result in recreational water illnesses arising due to water quality standards being compromised. Local and state regulations can make it unclear on what parameters cyanuric acid levels should be in commercial swimming pools due to its inconsistencies across the United States. These variances are wide and could possibly lead to confusion amongst pool professionals to exactly where they should be when applying this chemical. In this project a look at the “staying power” of chlorine and its oxidation reduction potential at various levels of cyanuric acid will hopefully develop an understanding on where the ideal range of this chemical should be kept. This along with surveys from North Carolina professional pool companies and an interview with a local official who oversees commercial pool inspections in Wake County will develop a foundation on the perception of how pool professionals view this chemical and its capabilities along with testing for its levels. An overall ideal range on cyanuric acid levels for swimming pools that require stabilized chlorine will be reached through the information gathered on this project. This will help the pool professional understand its use and keep higher water quality standards in commercial swimming pools.




