Wood procurement and harvesting trends in North Carolina
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Wood procurement and harvesting trends in North Carolina by George Hahn.
The forest products industry is a major sector of North Carolina’s economy contributing $4.6
billion in annual gross domestic product and employing over 65,000 individuals. Among the
65,000 forest products jobs, approximately 2,900 are logging and forestry jobs (Mitchell 2013).
Because of its importance to the overall economy of North Carolina, timber supply chain
research is very beneficial to the health of the industry. However, limited research is available
regarding wood procurement and harvesting characteristics, with most industry research focusing
on market analysis and price trends (Land & Mendell 2012). The objective of this study is three
pronged: (1)-describe wood procurement trends in North Carolina, (2)-assess the future supply of
timber and market forces that will influence the supply, and (3)-characterize the loggers in North
Carolina based on experience, equipment spread, and willingness to expand operations.